Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Today was Teacher's Day in China. In the States, becuase I am 12 hours ahead of all of you, it was my mother's birthday(59). Yay to her! later she would give birth to Steve, but many artiists peak with their first work!

Teacher's day was nice and unexpected. I did know about it, but i did not really know that it would be so nice. Although i had to go in early and cram 5 classes into the morning, I had the afternoon off. The kid's were wonderful and i got some gifts: flowers, fruits, a big ass chocolate bar, and some really good green tea. It was nice. My afternoon off was spent going and getting resident/visa things done. The buerocracy is neverending and brutal, but that's the price of living in China, i guess. I just hope it calms down soon....

I will write more about teaching soon, but for today's lesson we did names. They could use their
Chinese names or English names if they had them. it was actually pretty funny. Many gave their chinese names( I used a small dialouge), but some had English names. The were pretty common for the most part, Tony, Sunny, Alice, David, Jessica, Sarah. Normal names. But some have pretty funny, strange names. I guess they gave them to their selves. I had already met a Fairie at the English Corner( more on that later). I have student''s named (English, not their normal chinese name) Joker(girl), M.C cruiser, Prince, Romeo, Happy, Melon (boy, and i could not stop laughing at his name), Monkey, and some other good ones i forgot. One kid was named David, but I couldn't understand what he was saying and i thought he was saying "stabby",which i thought was a pretty good name...

I will continue the chronological telling of my first weeks in china soon. i am pretty tired right now


Anonymous said...

Patrick!!! I love it.. The names were all to funny although I have to say I have a student with the name SLADE and he is American. How do they pick their names? It is interesting to read what you are blogging about and it is very informative.. I hope you are well and enjoying life in China. Take care and stay safe.. Luv, Tiff. P.S. I hope you dont teach them "Peg the Brats"! HAHAHA

patevoninchina said...

slade is a pretty good name. cool band. teen titans villan. I think that the english names are generally picked by them or thier parents. sometimes a teacher assigns them a name. i like the practice becuase it makes it easier for me to remember who they are. However, I have some misgivings becuase their chinese names are beautiful, but we expect them to change it. there seems to be some cultural elitism in there. But i know that this is a standard practice for foriegn language class of any sort. I will give them english names if they ask for them or for help in chosing, but i won't force it on them. some teachers do, usually becuase it makes their job much easier

i would love to teach them Peg the brat, but i might get fired. or shot!

mom said...

HI my son the information that you are putting out is, great, I am loving coming on and reading it,I did recieve your birthday email, and answered, i hope you got it. China sounds very interesting, the students names are a hoot, Uncle billy is also following this, he said to teach them Hava Nakela, lol. miss you, love you, Mom, keep up the great work

patevoninchina said...

ok, i am not recieving your emails for somereason. i thought you were mad or sick or something. check and make sure you have the right email adress, becuase i like to hear from you fromm time to time