Friday, September 12, 2008


ok, later tonight i will continue with my chronological telling of my adventures in China. By the way, today marks my third week in China! I have a three day weekend coming up due to Mid Aumtumn festival. This Holiday seems to be distinguished by the giving of what they call Mooncakes, which are little pastries that have a variety of fillings in them, from apple to egg yoke to meat. The Chinese will eat anything: neck, feet, ears and eyes, chicken heads,brains. Most of what I have seen is pretty good though, vegatables and regular meat.

The Chinese are crazy about the american show Prison Break, although I am not sure why. I think that it has been translated and imported on DVD. All of my students ask me about it, and of course they think I look like one of the guys, a Villian of course ( paradoxically enough, they also think that fellow teacher Ed looks like the same guy- Ed is much better looking then I am!). I have never seen the show, to me its just another american show. but they love it. They also love KFC. KFC is everythwhere here. The menu is pretty much the same, except they have one item that is essentially tofu and chicken on a stick. They also love Mcdonalds.

I finished up the name excercise at the public schools yesterday. The only good name was Spiderman. I think that this kid may be the real thing. He knew that Spiderman's real name is Peter Parker ( although one could argue that the real spiderman would never give out his secreat identity- although he sort of did in the comics recently, only to have it "taken back")! They are very sweet kids.

As I said, I will later continue with my telling of my adventures. Also, pretty soon, I would like to talk about Prostitutes! I am trying to keep this thing up to date, but my work schedule is very full. I teach at threee different schools, I have 26 classes a week and around 265 students! So forgive me if i a tuckered out sometimes. also, there is a comment application on this blog. please leave comments if you wish, i will be very excited to read them!



Anonymous said...

greetings from japan, prison break is apparently pretty popular over here too. i joined the volleyball club and yesterday at practice one of the other guys was asking me if i'd ever seen it, apparently there's something in the show about oswego too because he said thats why he was asking me. anyways sounds like you're adventures are going great.

patevoninchina said...

asians love prison break! and they assume that we all watch it! hope japan is going great also....

Cody Alderson said...

Hey dude,

You have to be the tallest guy in the country except for a few who have an overabundant amount of growth hormone.

I told your dad that you are like Gandolf amongst the Hobbits.

I love the blog. I will be reading every post.

patevoninchina said...

thanks Cody!! I love writing and the blog gives me an exucse to write. I have so many stories and ovsevations that i have not even gotten to.

The average chinese is very tall. However, there are many that are about as tall as my father, men and women. But yes, i still am abnormally tall for China. When i get around to buying clothes, it may be impossible! The chinese are generally taller than most asians, especially the Japanese, who are little shits! The kids here just look up and up at me!

patevoninchina said...
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Anonymous said...

Mooncakes are yummy....have you dried the nuts and eye yoke flavours....and coconut.....and red bean.....and many flavours that i can't name in English....

Tell me how you like the mooncakes....