Wednesday, August 20, 2008



The blog is still under construction, but be sure to check back. I am in the Oswego U. Library writing this. In 24 hours, I will be on a plane that will cross through time (man-attibuted time lines, but time nonetheless) and space to China. It took alot to get to this point, and I am sure that I be schocked as shit when it is actaully happening. Anyhoo, the mission of this blog is to provide a record of my travel not only for myself, but for anyone who gives a crap... I will also post my thoughts and possibly my writing. It is not the purpose of this blog to provided political ciriticism of the country that has graciously allowed me to be their guest. The Chinese are a very interesting people and i am in love with them ( and one moreso in particular).

So, things that one can expect to find on this blog? My thoughts, my travels, details about my life teaching english in a language school, my tribulations ( wonder if i will fall into a sewer in Dalian), thoughts about learning Mandarin, thoughts on language in general ( I am a linguist, after all), book reviews, music reviews, my writings and such...

I will be updating quite a bit soon, so be sure to come back to this strange little back alley in the internet.

Patrick Evon