Sunday, February 15, 2009


Hello Everyone,

You know the drill. Sorry i have not posted...blah blah blah... been busy... blah... goats and sheep...blah

Lots going on lately. lots
But its late and i am exhuasted. The big thing is that I have pictures up on the internet. Jessica visited last week, and i finally had use of a bad ass camera! I went a little crazy with the pictures, actually. But, people have asked about photos; i know its better to see some of the things i am talking about...
My photobucket page is here; the general albulm has some old crap in it. For those of you who don't know how to access the albulms from the home page, I have provided links for each individual one that you can access from here... but scroll down here first to see how to get to the new pictures...

I divided up the pictures that i took last week and commented on some of them. Each first photo in each album essentially gives a brief overview of the album, so make sure to click on the first photo and read the comments. Many photos have titles and comments, read them if you wish. The album below contians pictures from when we climbed a chinese mountain, big black mountain(translated). Very cool pictures; many of nature and mountains and such.

The next album is just pictures of Dalin. these can give you and idea of what its like in a modern chinese city.

WE went to this kick ass marine park. lots of pictures of fish and such things.

Some people are curious about my street and apartment. here are photos of that!

Finally, i wanted pictures of something unique to most of you. In big black mountain, there are many temples. its really very cool and very chinese( well, there are other historical influences, but you know what i mean". This place is incredible and i hope that i did it justice.

I know that there are alot of photos and you might not have time to check them out. i understand. these are all just here if you want to see them...

I am def. going to write in this more this week. i have to talk about jessica's visit, chinese new years and much more. so please check back in a few days....

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