Thursday, April 30, 2009

notafullpost, justsomepicturesandafewthings

Some pictures that i forgot to post. most of you are probably getting sick of the same kids and people, but i am not...!

Happy Jingle bells...

These little girls are bad ass...

a cool walking bridge in progress. Dalian is a constantly growing city, with building always going on.

another badass jump roper

I did say he held his ass alot!
anyhoo, my next post will have some actual text and thoughts!

Monday, April 27, 2009

MostlyPictures(Part II)

This was taken at the English corner. I thought the balloon things were cool...

Winston's Bday! first row, me , W, Maria, 2nd- Abdul, Jonah, Miles, Bob. Bob is Mile's college friend from Erie Pa, who came over to visit for a week or so! He was a good guy. He is originally form johnston, Miles is from mon. city, so we had a western Pa thing going on... I think this is the first appearnce of miles in this blog...

Winson's cake. I was sort of pissed at Winston for not telling me about his birthday. He said he had issues with people giving him things!
The lovely Jonah, who was our hostess..

Some kind of watermelon animal!

Maria made W wear the hat, which made me very very happy!

More pictures from my primary school--Hutan

The scary little girl-- I don't know. The lady in the background is the teacher therewho is my "handler", Angela. Her english is exceptional and she is a really cool person. Many of the chinese english teachers have crappy english, but Angela's English is pretty wicked. Here she is jumping rope with a student. The teachers at hutan play with the kids. At my other schools, all middle schools, the teachers mostly berate and smack the kids...( a little bit of a overaggeration, but not much)

Kid's from one of my classes at Hutan-grade 6

Notice the boy cowering in a fetal postion. I showed him this picture; he turned red and said, " no , no no". Denial is cross cultural

This class was playing tug of war. this kid, thier anchor, would just fall and rub his ass alot, but it must of worked, becuase they won !

Another one of my classes. They were just throwing the balls up and catching them...

Two of my favorite kid's from that school. the one in blue I have named happy jingle bells. She is one of those chinese kid's that is always happy and smiling.

At this school, each class has it's own dance rountine. this one was pretty intricately choreographed.

more dancing...

Yoga like warms ups...

umm... i tried not to take that persoanlly!

The Teachers also exercisse...

tony, who i call tina, from the english corner

Fariy... She had just come back from an English competition. she competes at the national level, usually...
Little Bad's house when i was cat watching him...

A chinese making Ghost fires on Ghost night

More ghost fires...

Crap to make Ghost fires....

Like I said last post, not much to report. I still have a slight cold and am a bit groggy and lethargic. I have not been sick since last term( when i was sick most of the time). I am sure I will shake it. I will post something soon that has some substance to it...

Mostly pictures part 1( Bing Hai Road)

I don't have alot to say; I have a minor cold due to it being so unseasonally ( at least, this is what i am told) for the last few weeks. So, I will post a few pictures that I have accumulated with some accompanying text....
This first part will focus on a second trip we took to Bing hai road along the coast. We went this time with Mr. hans to a more hardcore hiking version that was a bit more natural and beautiful.

I have not clue what this is, but it looks interesting

After 8 months, Dalian officially welcomes me!

Ashely and Winston and a giant pumpkin statue

Ashely is a newer teacher from Kansas. She's pretty cool and likes outdoorsy things.

Welcomed again!
Dalian seems to have many cool ass islands like this. I will go out to one one day...

A strange Chinese beach, I think a private one...

A lazy chinese dog...

The Chinese play cards everywhere; this is the rare, but badass, old lady version

Another Chinese thing you see often, bridal pictures around the Coast


Billy Goat Winston and His chinese counterpart

Climbing cliffs

Cool coast picture...

Winston never sits on the bus, so this is a rare shot